
Spare Parts / Inside Sales

Brandon Schmidt

Brandon Schmidt serves as the Sales Development and Spare Parts Support specialist at Align. With a focus on ensuring customers receive the right parts promptly, clients benefit from Brandon’s personalized assistance and genuine care for their needs. He engages in meaningful conversations to understand their equipment requirements thoroughly, ensuring tailored solutions that contribute to seamless operations.

With five years of experience across various departments at Align, Brandon brings a wealth of expertise to the table. His background in marketing, sales, and hands-on experience in the Parts Depot equips him with the knowledge needed to effectively solve customer problems.

Beyond his professional endeavors, Brandon is a passionate musician and enjoys playing the piano and composing music. On the weekends, you’ll find him hiking and spending time with friends over barbecues. Exploring local breweries and attending live concerts are among his favorite pastimes. Brandon’s work-life balance is the key to his success in and out of his role at Align.

We look forward to your call and are available Monday-Friday.
Feel free to email us anytime, and we will respond as soon as possible.

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