
The Hyperloop began as a concept proposed by Elon Musk. Musk wanted to create transportation that would be able to operate without the impediment of weather or accidents at speeds near that of a jet. Musk likened the original concept to “A cross between a Concorde and a railgun and an air hockey table.”
In his white paper on the Hyperloop, they recommended that competitors look into using Air Caster technology as a means to float on the Hyperloop’s rail system.
Through his company SpaceX, Musk opened a competition to college teams to develop Hyperloop pod designs. Align Production Systems was approached by several universities to help with implementing Air Caster technology into their pod designs.
The Result
Align Production Systems is proud to be a part of an emerging future of fast, efficient transportation. We believe in empowering students with the resources and technology that they need to make our future brighter and stronger. Air caster technology gave Texas Guadaloop and Team Waterloop a great base for their Hyperloop pods to be powered from. Congratulations to both teams for their incredible accomplishments!